e-COLINK is an experienced international education consultant in Indonesia. We aim to become the one stop service company by providing the most services to our clients.
Established in 1997, our main activity lies in assisting both Indonesian students and students from other countries to make the right choice in pursuing a higher education in various overseas schools and universities. Our destination countries include Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei Darussalam, and China. Over the course of time, e-COLINK has now become the icon of Australian education for Indonesian students and we are still growing to maintain our title as the trusted consultant in Indonesia.
Focusing on educational business, e-COLINK group also has six offices for foreign language education. Each branch offers six foreign languages training: English, Mandarin (Chinese), Japanese, German, French, and Korean, as well as TOEFL and IELTS preparation course. The prospective students can develop their proficiency in the language of their choice more intensively and professionally with our experienced foreign tutors.
e-COLINK memberikan pelayanan terbaik mulai dari konsultasi hingga pengajuan visa. Seluruh staffnya sangat ramah dan profesional. Berkat e-COLINK, seluruh proses dalam pengajuan visa student saya berjalan dengan lancar.
e-COLINK adalah education agent yang memiliki banyaK pengalaman dan sangat profesional dalam mengurus semua hal mengenai pendidikan saya dari awal hingga akhir. Saya sangat puas menggunakan jasa dari e-COLINK untuk mendapatkan visa student saya. Mereka mempermudah langkah-langkahnya untuk saya, sehingga semuanya berjalan lancar dan mudah. Highly recommended!
The effective and efficient service provided by e-COLINK helps me a lot in preparing for my entry to university. They provided me with detailed information about my course as well as helping to apply for my student visa. They also give lots of help in applying for scholarship. Highly recommend e-COLINK to those who need quality service. Thank you e-COLINK for the good work!
I am very satisfied with the services of e-COLINK. They're very kind and sincere. Every time they will provide us with very clear information. They helped me arrange my school life in Australia very well. It helped me a lot. I am very grateful. Because of e-COLINK I can apply for the opportunity to study in Australia. Thank you e-COLINK for you help!
Thanks to e-COLINK I got 6,0 at my IELTS exam, because at first I don't think I will get 6, the teacher at e-COLINK are really friendly, it's a good environment to study. They also helped me with my visa application and grant notification was received less than a week and it's granted. I really recommend to use e-COLINK service to study abroad.
e-COLINK really helpful, they help me to find an institute that suits me. Everything is fast responded and they give me all of information that I need. They also help me for my visa application and it really fast (within day mv visa already granted.
Saya banyak mendapat tips cara menghadapi IELTS test dari pengajar e-COLINK, sehingga saya memperoleh nilai IELTS yang memuaskan, bahkan speaking saya mendapat nilai 7,0. Thank you e-COLINK yang sudah memberikan banyak saran yang bagus untuk saya dari pemilihan universitas di Australia, pendaftaran universitas pilihan saya, pengurusan visa application, sampai dengan semua hal yang berkaitan dengan sekolah saya.
For all the students who really wanted to study abroad, I highly recommend e-COLINK. They provide high-quality services. To be honest, I got all of the information about visa application and my chosen school from e-COLINK, without then I don't know what I have to do. BIG THANKS FOR e-COLINK! AUSTRALIA, I'M COMING!
My experience with e-COLINK was great. They had been very supportive and helpful while guiding me throughout the process. Finding the right university could be stressful but with the help from the staffs at e-COLINK, I was able to find the perfect one as they provided me all the information needed and assisted me during the visa application. Thank you e-COLINK for the excellent service!
Thanks for e-COLINK's assistance, care and quick response during my school enrollment and visa application. I truly recommend this company to all friends who want to study in Australia. I was really hopeless at the beginning and I heard that many student visa applications were refused recently, but, in fact, my visa was APPROVED in 2 DAYS after the medical check up!!! UNBELIEVABLE!! Thanks again for your hard working and assistance to all of e-COLINK staffs.
Terima Kasih buat e-COLINK karena layanannya yang sangat cepat dan berkualitas sehingga Saya mendapatkan visa dengan gampang dan cepat.
Saya sangat berterima kasih dengan e-COLINK karna sudah membantu saya dalam mengurus visa. Staff di e-COLINK juga bekerja sangat cepat dan baik. Saya sangat senang karna visa saya keluar 3 hari setelah saya medical check up. Maka dari itu untuk temen-temen yang mau sekolah di luar negeri e-COLINK sangat RECOMMENDED banget!!! :)
Makasih banget buat e-COLINK yang sudah membantu saya ngurusin visa dan saya merasa puas dengan kinerja e-COLINK. Recommended banget!!!
Saya sangat merekomendasikan untuk berkonsultasi dan menemukan tempat study yg tepat di Australia. e-COLINK sangat membantu dan ramah. Semua staf mereka approchable dan sangat berkompeten, selama proses awal hingga akhir proses. Mereka memiliki pengalaman yang banyak tentang perguruan tinggi dan apply visa yang paling sesuai untuk saya. Saya merekomendasikan bagi teman yang ingin study di australia untuk datang dan berkonsultasi dengan e-COLINK. Thank you
e-COLINK merupakan agen pendidikan yang sangat bagus. Saya pribadi sangat puas dengan pelayanan e-COLINK. Menurut pengalaman saya e-COLINK professional dengan pendekatan kekeluargaan untuk setiap calon murid yg akan melanjutkan studinya ke luar negeri. Staf e-COLINK sangat baik dan juga ramah sehingga sangat memudahkan saya untuk berkonsultasi. Setelah saya mempercayakan semua ke e-COLINK, Puji Tuhan semua berjalan dengan lancar dari mulai pendaftaran, proses dokumen dan medical check up. Setelah medical check up di hari yang sama akhirnya VISA SAYA GRANTED juga. e-COLINK is really recomended for students who want study abroad, Coz e-COLINK can help and give you good advices, solutions and good result as well. Thanks to e-COLINK
Pelayanan yang dilakukan staff bagus dan sangat ramah. Saya merasa puas atas kinerja e-COLINK. Recommended banget :)
Thankyou banget buat agent e-COLINK yang sudah bantuin ngurusin visa saya dan akhirnya visa saya granted. Rekomen banget dehh!!!!!
Saya merasa puas dengan kinerja e-COLINK selama mengurus Visa saya. Ditangani oleh orang-orang yang berpengalaman sehingga saya lebih paham untuk mengurus Visa. Terima kasih banyak kepada Ko Andreas dan Rekan kerja di e-COLINK yang telah membantu saya untuk mengurus visa.
After graduating Uni, I could not find the way of further staying in Aus. But e-COLINK guided me better way of staying in Aus and help me to select appropriate course for me. I have been in good relationship with e-COLINK as great consultant for Aussie life. I really appreciate for their effort and support!!
Thank you so much guys for your help and supports. It was a great experience with you. Visa granted for AU. Recommended Agency!!!
Menurut Fadil sih pelayananya sangat bagus, kita yang mendaftar juga tidak ribet mengurusnya, Student Counselornya pun juga pintar, ramah juga, dan antusias untuk bantu Fadil. Terima kasih banyak buat e-COLINK karna sudah membantu Fadil untuk mempersiapkan diri pergi bersekolah ke Australia. Saran untuk teman-teman yg mau ke Aussie ga bakalan salah kalau pilih e-COLINK.
I was lucky that I choose e-COLINK to help me enrol the university and help to register the student visa. Since many people said applying Australia student visa will take very long time, but I wants to say thanks to God, because God arrange e-COLINK to assist me to enrol the university and also student visa. The only people that I also want thank to Andy from e-COLINK because he shares his experience and help me to solve many problems that I am facing. Why I choose the university at Australia because Australia is a beautiful and different country compare to Malaysia. Australia also the country that can improve my English since my English is not very well and I would like to gain more experience from Australia then I can handle my future job in Malaysia. Thank you to God to prepare everything to me and thank you to e-COLINK to help me settle everything that I need in Australia.
A big thank you to Andreas and all the staffs at E-colink International for all the hard work and support in helping me to get my student visa. I wouldn't have done it without your help. My case was complicated and hopeless but E-colink International helped me through this entire process as hassle free as possible for me. The staffs are very friendly and helpful, very quick response to any queries that I had. I am extremely appreciate and lucky to have gone on this visa journey with E-colink International. I will definitely recommend E-colink International to anyone who needs assistance with student visa. My special thanks to Yulia Hendra for the wonderful job on my visa application. Once again thank you so much.
I was thankful for e-COLINK help to enrol the university and register the student visa. I also want to thank Andy from e-COLINK who helps me to do and prepare all documents that i need to study in Australia. I was lucky and not regret about to choose e-COLINK.
Saya sudah menggunakan jasa e-COLINK sejak pertama kali saya mengajukan visa untuk bersekolah di Sydney, Australia karena e-COLINK memang sudah terkenal sebagai agen untuk visa sekolah keluar negeri. Terima kasih banyak untuk e-COLINK sudah membantu memperlancar semua urusan sekolah saya selama disini. Student Counselornya juga pintar, ramah dan antusias untuk membantu kita. Untuk teman-teman yang butuh jasa student agency pilih e-COLINK yang sudah berpengalaman dan siap membantu.
Sangat profesional dan baik dalam hal urus VISA
Pengurusan visa yang cepat dan hasil yang memuaskan, semua pelayanan dilakukan dengan raman dan jelas, overall 10/10
Pelayanan Ouche... Semua info dan persyaratan untuk sekolah di Australia sangat jelas. Semuanya diulas dengan baik. Koko dan Cece-nya sabar banget dalam melayani. Overall is great...recommended...
Menurut saya e-COLINK dalam mengurus setiap persiapan sekolah dan visa saya sangat baik, karena e-COLINK selalu memberikan kesempatan berkonsultasi setiap saya inginkan dan selalu memberikan saya saran dan sarana yang baik untuk pergi bersekolah ke Austra
Pelayanan yang bagus. Staff nya bagus dan membantu dalam hal memberikan informasi.
Applying visa into Australia can take so long and stressful, and so having a service from e-COLINK is definitely helpful. I’d like to give my sincere compliments, since the staffs are kind, educated, and well-experienced.
Ternyata pilihan saya tidak salah karena e-COLINK lah visa saya granted. Dengan bantuan Pak Andreas dan para staff e-COLINK yang memberikan bantuan dalam bentuk pelayanan, respond, dan informasi yang diberikan kepada saya sangatlah akurat, baik, cepat dan
Pelayanan di colink sudah memuaskan karena Agent nya yang seru serta gampang berbaur dengan anak muda, pelayanan yang saya dapatkan bisa dibilang GREAT, meski ada beberapa hal yang masih harus di perhatikan. Semoga kedepan e-COLINK dapat menjadi EXCELLENT